accuse是什么意思 , accuse怎么读语音及例句

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读音:英[ə'kjuːz] 美[ə'kjuz]

accuse 基本解释

vt. 指责, 控告, 归咎于

vi. 指责, 控告

accuse 网络释义

vt. 控告,指控;谴责;归咎于 vi. 指责;控告

accuse 词性变化






1. Oh, I'm no more guilty of what you've accused me of than you are of what I've accused you of.

你对我的指控 并不比我对你的指控更真实

2. ‐ I'm not... ‐ If you want to accuse me of something, accuse me.

我没有... 如果你想指责我 那就来吧

3. Started making accus accusations regarding the consul.

开始做出一些 关于领事的指控

4. And when officers are accused of what they're being accused of, they deserve to have their reputations protected.

当警方面临着 他们现在被指控的罪行时 他们的声誉应该受到保护

5. I've often been accused of being a physical coward, and for the most part, those accusations are correct.

我常被说是行动上的懦夫 大部分时候 这说法是对的

6. And we have encouraged our friends in the press to cover your accuser and her motives as thoroughly as they did the false accusations against you.

而且我们还 鼓励我们在媒体中的熟人 掩盖原告的动机 他们对你是彻彻底底的诬陷

7. So you barge into my office after not speaking to me for two years, and now you're accusing me of well, I don't even know what you're accusing me of.

在你两年来没跟我说过一句话后 你冲进我的办公室 还指责我说 我还不知道你指责我什么

8. I just want each one to be treated with love and dignity, not with hatred, not with raids, accusing them of recruiting and accusing them of...of recruiting children.

我只希望每位同志都被爱 被尊重 而不是被嫌被打击 被指控结党营私 或是招徕追随者

9. I accused him of murder, but he didn't do it.

我以为他是杀人犯 可那不是他干的

10. Which is what you came in here accusing me of.



